Friday, November 9, 2007

tried to make me go to rehab, i said no no no

I gave a homeless man a brownie today, and the guy sitting next to me at the bus stop was so touched that he paid my fare. He said, "What you just did, people don't do that around here." I don't really believe that. You find kindness anywhere, if you look hard enough. What's interesting is that I'm honestly not that nice of a person, I don't think. I'm pragmatic to the extreme, and often times I'm cold and calculating. It didn't cost me anything to give the man a brownie, and it made several people's days a little better. Why not do it?

He also said that people in Los Angeles just aren't genuine. I don't know what made him think I was. I like Los Angeles. I like the people. They're genuine enough for me. I guess maybe I'm not the best judge though.

I'm really, truly worried about Amy Winehouse. If her life keeps going on the way it is, she's going to go down in history as another Jim Morrison, another Kurt Cobain, another Sid Vicious. She's so talented, but she's in a toxic relationship and it's slowly destroying her. Her relationship with Blake is personified in her relationship with drugs. She's addicted to both. Badly so.
I know a little bit about that feeling. Enough to know that she is an example of what happens when it goes to extremes. Tragedy. God, it really is. I hate that there's nothing I can do.

Is that irrational?

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