Thursday, November 8, 2007

holding steady

So, I saw an amazing show tonight. It was The Hold Steady with Art Brut and a local LA band called The Blood Arm. So, freaking good.
I really think, at some point, I'd like to make Jasper Future my lover. (He's the guitarist for Art Brut, who, if you didn't know, are this really awesome English rock band.)
In all seriousness though, both they and the Hold Steady put on an amazing show. I should know. I was on the front row for most of it. There's just something really powerful about basically being inside the sound of the guitars with an entire crowd of people pressing up on you, everyone feeling the same ecstasy as you are. It was somewhere between an orgasm and a religious experience. Either way, by the end it was hard to stand up.

I'm going to be rather deaf tomorrow, but it was so very worth it.

PS: Howard Shore, the same guy who did the music for Lord of the Rings, also did the score for Silence of the Lambs (which is my homework tonight).

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