Tuesday, December 25, 2007

music when the lights go out.

Ah, Christmas. I don't like this holiday, but today wasn't bad.
I didn't ask for much and I got more than I asked for and more than I need. That should probably make me happy, but it doesn't. I'm not unhappy really, just a little bit bemused.
I got my little cousin a USC cheerleader outfit. Apparently she loves it and it looks adorable. I'm happy. I'll post picture if I get them.
My presents went over well. I kind of knew they would. I wish my parents would put as much thought into my gifts as I do into theirs. Quality, not quantity people. That's unfair of me, I know. They do what they can, considering they don't know me as well as perhaps they'd like. It's the thought that counts.

I think that the time away and the distance has made me more charitable than I would otherwise be. I was a right whiny bitch last Christmas (but only on my blog. I do what I can as well).
I have only one wish for New Years. It's the same one I make every year. It's echoed in about a million songs, all of which are somewhere on my iTunes playlist. Please let this year be better than the last. It's worked so far.
Now if I could just find a good New Years Party.

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