Friday, December 14, 2007

Thank you (thank you) Silence

So, I'm finished with finals and I'm going back to Nashville tomorrow. It goes without saying that I don't want to, but I'm not going to let it put me in a bad mood. I can't. This needs to be good.
This first half of the year went by really fast, and I'm kind of sorry it's over. I hope the next 3.5 years are as good as this.
Best moments of the Semester:
-Telling someone how I had almost given up studying music and having them say to me, "It's a part of you," like it was obvious.
-Being told by an incredibly nice older gentleman that I look like a young Mia Farrow (from Peyton Place).
-Karaoke with Alex at three in the morning...before the Rum made things a little complicated.
-Finding Sugar-free, Raspberry Lattes
-Thanksgiving with Lauren and her family
-Performing onstage with Oriana and realizing what it meant to really move an audience
-Free Love party with Kooky Khalia and lots of free love (although not quite as much as I would have liked
The really good moments
-Realizing that freezing my ass off in the mud for 3 1/2 hours every night was totally worth it (WTO's King Lear- I'd do it again in a heartbeat)
-Being told by a professor & TA that my talent and thoughtfulness was evident and that they wanted me to shine
-Having my poem chosen first to be read in a Seminar/discussion- the most personal one I've written
-Discovering that Zero-Carb Rockstar is pink and tastes like heaven
-Bonding with Karen over FroYo and vegetables
(-The memorable: date with a cokehead)
-Chasing taxis at the WTO bake sale at 1 AM
-La classe de Français
-Professor Wilson's comments on my performance
-Little things: jamba juice, West Hollywood, wind and sunlight after rain

The Bad
Not worth remembering.

Have a good Holiday everyone. I know you all can probably use a break. We'll see how mine goes.

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