Tuesday, December 18, 2007

watch the doubtful smiles begin

So, I'm readjusting to this time zone- sort of. I've just decided not to sleep. It's working pretty well so far.

Random fact: Did you know that in the UK, they call cupcakes fairy buns? I had heard of them, but I didn't know they were the same thing. Mm...fairy buns.

I'm listening to the new Weakerthans cd for about the millionth time. It's good. It's not my new favorite cd, but it's growing on me.
I don't really have much else to say. Nashville is boring. I'm supposed to see Breanna and Hensley tonight, which should be really good. (Breanna is my awesome friend with a preternatural gift for languages and a love for Harry Potter that rivals JK Rowling's. She just got a job as a freelancer at MAC. Hensley is superfun and she goes to my dad's alma mater. It's a really small school, so she sees him a lot. I think it would be hella awkward if she wasn't so sweet.)

I guess that's all?

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