Thursday, March 6, 2008

I shall hear, though soft your tread above me

I cried tonight for the first time in a long time.
There was just a lot going on. There is still a lot going on. I'm just...busy.
But I have my shit together. That's what's important. That's what's always important.
God, no more being melodramatic. It's ridiculous and unneccessary.
I'm directing a short piece for the WTO Festival (April 8th, 9th, and 10th.) It was written by my friend Jason, and it's going to be amazing. We have our first read-through on Sunday, so I'll update on how that's going.
I'm exhausted, and I think I'm getting sick again.
I'm watching some really good movies, reading good books, feeling guilty about both. I should be getting more done than I am.
It makes me sad that I feel guilty about doing things that make me happy.
I really need some sleep.
I miss people. Not going to say who, You'd be surprised.
My voice recital is March 28th at 4. Please come.

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