Friday, October 24, 2008

Broadway is dark tonight...

So that thing I'm not mentioning is working. Know how I know? The following story...

So today I bought Pro Tools for a sun of money I would rather not have spent. For the rest of the day, a cloud of uncertainty covered every positive experience I had- and I had a good day.
Finally, when I got home, I went to the trunk of my car to unload everything and I discovered that the mirror I'd had in the back of my car as a prop from my directing midterm had been smashed by some of the equipment.
The mirror was mine. I'd been missing it for the last three days, but I hadn't taken it out of the trunk of my car. Right then, all of the insecurities I had about everything in my life came crashing down- directing class, songwriting, money, the way I look, what little career I have, my education, my future- I couldn't move. Full blown anxiety attack. I thought I was falling apart.
I made one phone call, got one answer. Twenty minutes, I was okay.
So, I went back to my trunk to get everything. I took an extra bag and started cleaning up the glass, and backed my elbow into one of the shards, deep. So here I am, in a minidress with a broken mirror, two bags of purchases, one bag of groceries, my giant, pink purse, and blood running down my arm, and all I thought was, "Wow, this is a fantastic life experience. I'm so happy this is happening."
I made it all the way back to my apartment with all of the crap I was carrying. I probably looked like a fantastic, hot trainwreck but I felt so happy,
Tomorrow should be good too. I don't know if we're doing food not bombs, but I hope so. Sunday is work. Work is exciting. Yay for more body paint.
I miss people. Especially Breanna and Mackie. It's so weird watching peoples' lives change and realizing that there's no place for you. I hate Tennessee, but I love those girls. It's hard to have a deep talk with someone who's 2000 miles away.
I don't remember the conversation I had with Michael M. yesterday, but I know I had one. Today, Megan M. and I went to Samuel French. We had a good conversation, although I probably talked too much.
I pretty much live with Sarah and Kerry. I like it when I can recognize people's names on their friends' blogs.
I also made a new driving mix. I'm watching Family Guy right now. I don't have any regrets at the moment.
Happy. It's a nice feeling.

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