Friday, February 13, 2009

Four Winds

Gosh, I'm just blogging all over the place. But I do have thoughts. I was actually thinking about welfare this morning.

I'm very, very liberal. I guess I'm also a Democrat, although my parents are Republicans and I didn't put much stock in political labels up until this last election (over which I lost so much sleep that it's not even funny). I was reading someone's facebook, and it said something along the lines of "I'm a Republican...because not everyone can be on welfare."
It got me thinking, because I realized that I do support welfare. It's a flawed system, because it's grossly exploited, but every system is flawed. We've seen that. The problem with taking away the system and forcing people to sink or swim is that such a strategy only works until you see just how many people sink. It's not fair, and if they're your constituents, then it's on your head. That's what civic responsibility is when you're a politician. Take care of the people who have no choice but to trust you. And yeah, people get away with exploiting the system, but look at Tom Daschle, Tim Geitner, Rod Blagojevich. You think they weren't exploiting a system too? It happens on every level. Don't even get me started talking about Hurricane Katrina. I might get sick.

Speaking of facebook- I makes lists. Here's a list of facebook statuses.
Mary is Vitamin B12.
Mary is retail therapy.
Mary is buying books.
Mary is writing.
Mary is a soul singer in a session band.
Mary is a true patron of the arts.
Mary is a rolling stone.
Mary is exhausted (but what else is new?)
Mary is surviving (but not really in a Destiny's child sense).
Mary misses Destiny's child.
Mary is really sad about Rhianna.
Mary anticipates losing more sleep.
Mary has some scars to heal (silly kitticat).
Mary lied when she said she lives sans regrets.
Mary lied in the abovementioned lie. No regrets.
Mary is DIRECTING A SHOW. Finally. I've needed something to care about. I'm at my lowest points when I'm not working in theatre or film. I'm really excited. It's beautifully written, and it's going to be a huge challenge. I have plans though. I can't wait to see how this goes.

You know, I'm blonde,
I'm living in Southern California,
I have a 24" waist,
I have friends that love me,
I have a show to care about,
I have goals to work towards,
I'm finally writing again, a lot and every day. I'm a writer first.
I should be happy, and I am. It's enough. It's definitely enough.

And a season to sleep, and a place to get clean. Maybe Los Angeles.

I can't afford to compromise that. I've been skinny, sad, and scared far too much. Maybe I do have regrets. Maybe I will.
(The wind, when it blows it is older than Rome, and our joy, and our sorrow.)

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