Tuesday, February 17, 2009

excuses, and ashes, and fortified wine

I know I said no more blogs, but- whatever.

Today was not a good day. Today was actually pretty rough. Nothing went right, at all. I'm feeling kind of drained, very if I'm honest, and tonight is going to be long.

This weekend was interesting. I'm not completely sure how to feel about it, but like it when things are interesting. Lately, I've been smiling more.

I was feeling dangerously close to trainwreck earlier, but I made a promise. I made a resolution. I keep those. Things I'm doing to make myself feel better- The Daily Show, buying more books, Palaver submissions- it's going to be old shit, because I haven't finished anything worth submitting in a while.

Midterm tomorrow. Oh, whatever. I'll study or I won't.

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