Thursday, February 5, 2009

the everyday turned solitary, so we came to February.

Aimless ≠ trainwreck. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Question remains, why the hell am I so directionless this semester? This was supposed to be the year of motivation. I don't even know.

I just listened to the Darkness', "I Believe in a Thing Called Love." They were a great band, so much potential. Too bad they burned out too fast.

Stress. Over what? I don't know. I think I need to be moving again. I never do well when I try to settle. I'm trying to settle now, in Los Angeles. It isn't working. I keep daydreaming about roadtrips. My cat is pretty mellow. She could come.

Speaking of my cat, she just bit me in the face. Ow. Ridiculous cat.

Oh, lovely. Just what I needed to make my day even better: a DPS Crime Report. At least this time it was just an armed robbery.

Oliver Mayer's show is tonight. It's a special show for USC students. I'm really excited. It's about love and identity, and it's based on the 1001 nights. It'll be nice to remind myself what the right piece of art can do for inspiration.
I realize I forgot to mention the Pillowman. It was very good, but on such another level that I don't even think it's appropriate to write about it.

On a completely unrelated subject, I just created a pretty awkward situation for a crowd of businessmen on the street. Got to stop walking around topless.

It's funny. I still have hope. I get like this every year in the Spring. It's like reverse Seasonal Affective Disorder. Every single year.
This year, it's different because I'm smiling. Because I still have hope.

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